þriðjudagur, september 12, 2006

hver ertu ?

Datt í hug að það væri nú gaman að kynnast lesendum síðunnar svona aaaðeins, og skellti því þessu spurningarskema upp sem ég fann á e-i bloggsíðunni.

Þið getið bara svarað þessu og skellt svörunum í athugasemdum.

p.s. afsakið að það er ekki búið að stroka sum svörin út eftir þann sem svaraði þessu seinast. Ég bara nennti ekki að stroka þau öll út, það tekur svo langan tíma :)

Góða skemmtun!


Your full name-
Age -
Height -
Eye colour
Number of siblings


Stuffed animal
Video game
TV show
Game on a cell phone
CD cover
Comic book
Website -


Play an instrument?
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?
Like to sing?
Have a job?
Have a cell phone?
Like to play sports?
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Have a crush on someone?
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?
Have any special talents/skills?
Excercise daily?
Like school?
Sing the alphabet backwards?
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?
Speak any other languages?
Go a day without food?
Stay up for more than 24 hours?
Read music, not just tabs?
Roll your tongue?
Eat a whole pizza?


Snuck out of the house?
Cried to get out of trouble?
Gotten lost in your city?
Seen a shooting star?
Been to any other countries besides the united states?
Had a serious surgery?
Stolen something important to someone else?
Solved a rubiks cube?
Gone out in public
Cried over a girl?
Cried over a boy?
Kissed a random stranger?
Hugged a random stranger?
Been in a fist fight?
Been arrested?
Done drugs?
Had alcohol?
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?
Swore at your parents?
Been to warped tour?
Kicked a guy where it hurts?
Been in love?
Been close to love?
Been to a casino?
Ran over an animal and killed it?
Broken a bone?
Gotten stitches?
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?
Made homemade muffins?
Bitten someone?
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?
More than 5 times?
Been to niagra falls?
Burped in someones face?
Gotten the chicken pox?


Brushed your teeth
Went to the bathroom
Saw A Movie In Theaters
Read a book
Had a snow day
Had a party -
Had a slumber party -
Made fun of someone -
Tripped in front of someone -
Went to the grocery store -
Got sick -
Cursed -


Fruit/vegetables -
Black/white -
Lights on/lights off -
TV/movie -
Car/truck -
Body spray/lotion
Cash/check -
Headache/stomach ache
Paint/charcoal -
Chinese food/mexican food
Summer/winter -
Snow/rain -
Fog/misty -
Rock/rap -
Meat/vegetarian -
Boy/girl -
Chocolate/vanilla -
Sprinkles/icing -
Cake/pie -
French toast/french fries -
Strawberries/blueberries -
Ocean/swimming pool -
Hugs/kisses -
Cookies/muffins -
p33n/bewbz -
Window/door -
Emo/goth -
Pink/purple -
Cat/dog -
Long sleeve/short sleeve -
Pants/shorts -
Winter break/spring break
Spring/autumn -
Clouds/clear sky -
Moon/mars -


How many friends do you have?
What are their names? To name a few; Scott, Kess, Alison, Jessica, Britt, David, Monica, Liz, Max, Sarah, someone in my YIM list I won't name here...
Do you have a best friend? Yesh *points at list*
Have you ever liked one of your friends? I like all my friends... Oh! You mean "like like"? ...Guilty
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends? More girl friends
Have you ever lost a friend? Mmhmmm
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend? Tons of times
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend? "Watch out for the kiwis", don't ask
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend? Yesh
Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend? You'd have to ask them
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you? Being there for me and letting me vent in my time of need
Do you miss any of your old friends? Gosh yes, everyday
What friend have you known the longest? *looks up* Liz
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend? ..Yeah
If so, what is it? Not going to be mentioned here
How often do you spend time with your friends? Often
Do any of your friends drive? I think they all do
Has a friend of yours ever died? ..Yes
Whats the dumbest thing you've done with a friend? I have no clue what the dumbest was. But I do am a total goof with Kess at the office, or Scott. I think my boss thinks I'm totally insane or something. But hey, you gotta stay sane at the office... In er, an insane kinda way?
What do you think your friends think of you? *asks someone three words to describe me* Comforting, Goofy, Cheerful
Have you ever been in love? Gosh yes
If you have, with who? Not mentioning that here either
Are you single? Yesh
Are you in a relationship? No
If so, for how long? :Do you believe there is someone for everyone? Anyone who wants someone, there's a person out there for them
What is your idea of the best date? Anything can be a best date. Surprises always work in someone's advantage, around me, at least.
What was your first kiss like? Memorable... Not the "best", though
How old were you when you got your first kiss? 14-15?
Do you think love is a load of shit? Somedays, yeah
Whats the best experience you've ever had with the opposite sex? Errrr...
Have you ever been dumped? Yep
Have you ever dumped someone? Yep
Whats the most sexual thing youve done with the opposite sex? Er, sex?


Slippers - Warm
Hat - Head
Hard - Rock
Free - Stuff!
Space - Gigantic
Taste - Sweet
Good charlotte - Band
Red - Colour
Deep - *no comment* ..Ocean!
Heart - Love
Cord - Rope
Cheese - Camembert
Rain - Wet
Work - Tiring
Pedal - Bicycle
Head - Face
Bed - Sleep
Fluff - Bunny
Hardcore - Loud
Race - Speed
Knife - Ouch
Jump - Fly!


am - Robyn
want - A long hug or cuddle or something of the sort
need - Tons of water
crave - Swimming pool
love - My dogs
hate - Having to get up early tomorrow
did - This, thing
feel - Too warm
miss - *sigh* Certain people in my YIM list who rarely seem to log on..
am annoyed by - The hot weather
would rather - Be in a swimming pool
am tired of - Lotsa things
will always- Be a goof


What is your favourite genre of music? I don't have a fav one
What time is it now? 2:59 AM
What day is it? Thursday
Whens the last time you called someone? 4 hours ago, Scott
How much money do you have right now? In my wallet? 70$ something
Are you hungry? No
Whatcha doin? Doing this AGES long meme
Do you like parades? Big ones are nice
Do you like the moon? Sure
What are you going to do when youre done with this? I have no clue
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over? o.o ..Sure
If you could have any magical power what would it be? Being able to control water! And and.. and.. fly.. *sigh*
Have you ever had a picnic? Yesh
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young? Errr.. no? o.O
What about sock em boppers? No?
Are you wearing any socks right now? Gosh no, too warm for socks.. I rarely wear socks


funny? Yes
pretty? Errrrr... I don't think so. There are muuuuuch "prettier" girls out there
sarcastic? I can be
lazy? Mmhmm
hyper? From time to time
friendly? Yep
evil? Sometimes
smart? Yes
strong? Errrr, maybe
talented? Yes
dorky? Always


suicide - against
love - for
drunk drivers - against
airplanes - for
war - against
canada - for
united states - for
rock music - for
gay marriage - for
school - for
surveys - for
parents - for
cars - for
killing - against
britney spears - errr, for? She's alright
coffee - for
pants - for


Sky dive? ..I'm afraid of heights
Play strip poker? Errrr...
Run away? If I could, sometimes
Curse at a teacher? I have
Not take a shower for a week? God no
Ask someone out? I have
Lie to someone to make them think better of you? I probably have
Visit a foreign country for more than a month? If I could
Go scuba diving? I'd love to
Write a book? Sure
Become a rockstar? Not a "rock" star
Have casual sex? I have


What shampoo do you use? Garnier "Ultra Doux", with henna and stuff. Exciting, huh?
Whens the last time you did something sexual with the opposite sex? Ages and ages ago
What kind of computer do you have? AMD Anthlon something something, I love it
What grade are you in? I finished "grades" years ago
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies? No
Or just make out? That's more my thing, so yesh
How many posters do you have in your room? None?
How many cds do you have? A few big drawers, no clue how many
What time is it now? 3:07 AM

meira var það nú ekki held ég...


At 1:36 e.h., Blogger Regína said...

Augnlitur=blár, hárlitur=brúnn... æji heyrðu ég sendi ykkur afganginn innbundinn í næstu viku.

At 2:10 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Æ eru sumir einmanna í danaveldi?? Eða er þetta kannski rannsóknarvinna f ritgerðina? ;)

At 4:57 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Ég vissi að ég ætti ekki að skilja þig einan eftir með nettengingu. Ástin mín við vorum búin að tala um þetta. Ekki skrifa blogg sem fólk verður hrætt af að lesa.

At 5:17 e.h., Blogger Drekaflugan said...

nei gvöð, mig mundi ekki detta til hugar að svara svona dæmi. þetta eru bæði skema og svör sem eg fekk af annarri síðu. Ég nennti ekki einu sinni að stroka svörin hennar út.

sést líka á þessari spurningu e-s staðar í þessum frumskógi:

Are You pretty? Errrrr... I don't think so. There are muuuuuch "prettier" girls out there

At 12:26 e.h., Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

FIRST OFF... er ein í gati og áhvað því að svara þessari lööngu spurningarkeppni.. það er eins gott að þið' lesið svörin, ég se fram a að þetta muni taka um 2 og halfan tima!

Your full name-Arna Vala þórðardóttir
Age -20
Height -171
Eye colour blar
Number of siblings 2 sexy systers
Glasses/contacts nei
Piercings í eyrum
Tattoos tribal tattoo sem nær yfir allt bakið
Braces nei


Colour dökkblar, silfur og svartur
Band ?
Song ?
Stuffed animal lundinn góði hennar ragnheiðar
Video game enginn
Movie ?
Book spamadurinn
Food allt fitandi
Game on a cell phone uppáhalds leikurinn minn i simanum mundi vera... hhmmm.. þessi er snuin.. ójá enginn held eg bara
CD cover sama
Flower eitthvað lyktarlaust
Scent angel
Animal ekkert
Comic book ..
Cereal ..
Website -þessi
Cartoon family guy


Play an instrument? nei
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week? nei, eg vona ekki
Like to sing? já, og eg syng likaotrulega vel
Have a job? ja, vinn a hrafnistu
Have a cell phone? ja
Like to play sports? ja
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nei, en ég a leynilegan latino lover.. hann vinnur i apoteki
Have a crush on someone? ja.. nei.. eða eg veit það ekki
Live somewhere NOT in the united states? ja by a islandi
Have more than 5 TVs in your house? nei
Have any special talents/skills? eg get ropað otrulega hatt og lengi og vellyktandi
Excercise daily? nei..
Like school? stundum
Sing the alphabet backwards? nei, eg kann það tæplega í rettri röð
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes? ja reyndar
Speak any other languages? ja eg get talað ensku, svo er eg ansi sleip i þysku og dönsku
Go a day without food? nei
Stay up for more than 24 hours? nei
Read music, not just tabs? ha?
Roll your tongue? ja
Eat a whole pizza? ójá


Snuck out of the house?ja
Cried to get out of trouble? hahahaja, meirað segja við ragnheiði
Gotten lost in your city? ja, eða a storhöfuðborgarsvæðinuu, moso er ansi slunginn
Seen a shooting star? nei
Been to any other countries besides the united states? ja
Had a serious surgery? ja, mjög alvarlega
Stolen something important to someone else? nei, held ekki
Solved a rubiks cube? ?
Gone out in public uuu ja
Cried over a girl? ja, en það var platonskt
Cried over a boy? ja
Kissed a random stranger? ja
Hugged a random stranger? ja
Been in a fist fight? ja
Been arrested? nei
Done drugs? nei
Had alcohol? ja
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose? nei
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator? nei, af hverju ætti maður að gera það, er það eitthvað fyndið og skemmtilegt
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc? nei
Swore at your parents? ja
Been to warped tour? ?
Kicked a guy where it hurts? nei
Been in love? nei
Been close to love? hhmm
Been to a casino? nei
Ran over an animal and killed it? nei
Broken a bone? nei
Gotten stitches? ja
Had a waterballoon fight in winter? nei
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour? nei
Made homemade muffins? ja
Bitten someone? ja
Been to disneyland/disneyworld? nei
More than 5 times? nei
Been to niagra falls? nei
Burped in someones face? ja
Gotten the chicken pox? ja


Brushed your teeth fyrir 2 timim
Went to the bathroom sama
Saw A Movie In Theaters veit ekki
Read a book fyrir svona viku
Had a snow day
Had a party - man ekki
Had a slumber party - það var i 1 bekk
Made fun of someone - áðan
Tripped in front of someone - fyrir svona viku
Went to the grocery store - veit ekki
Got sick -?
Cursed - i morgunn


Fruit/vegetables -fruit
Black/white - blaack
Lights on/lights off - fer eftir hvað eg er að gera
TV/movie - mynd
Car/truck - truck!
Body spray/lotion lotion
Cash/check - cash
Pillows/blankets blankets
Headache/stomach ache headache
Paint/charcoal - paint
Chinese food/mexican food mexikan
Summer/winter - bæði
Snow/rain - bæði
Fog/misty - hvorugt
Rock/rap - rokk
Meat/vegetarian - kjöt
Boy/girl - bæði
Chocolate/vanilla - vanilla
Sprinkles/icing -
Cake/pie - pie
French toast/french fries - franskar
Strawberries/blueberries - jarðaber
Ocean/swimming pool - sjor
Hugs/kisses - bæði
Cookies/muffins - muffins
p33n/bewbz -
Window/door -???
Emo/goth - emo
Pink/purple -
Cat/dog - dog
Long sleeve/short sleeve -
Pants/shorts - buxur
Winter break/spring break
Spring/autumn - vor
Clouds/clear sky - skiptir það mali
Moon/mars -


How many friends do you have? nokkra alveg
What are their names? nenni ekki að telja upp
Do you have a best friend? nei, held ekki bara
Have you ever liked one of your friends? ja eg var einu sinni skotinm i einum þeirra
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends? fleiri stelpuvini, og þó..
Have you ever lost a friend? ja
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend? o brother
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend? masturbation pills sem einn þeirra þarf að taka
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend? ja
Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend? o boy eg er svo goð að eg er alltaf að gera eitthvað nice
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you? Being there for me and letting me vent in my time of need
Do you miss any of your old friends? Gosh yes, everyday
What friend have you known the longest? *looks up* Liz
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend? ..Yeah
If so, what is it? Not going to be mentioned here
How often do you spend time with your friends? Often
Do any of your friends drive? I think they all do
Has a friend of yours ever died? ..Yes
Whats the dumbest thing you've done with a friend? I have no clue what the dumbest was. But I do am a total goof with Kess at the office, or Scott. I think my boss thinks I'm totally insane or something. But hey, you gotta stay sane at the office... In er, an insane kinda ÉG ER HÆTT NÚNA, ÞETTA ER NU EINUM OF LANGT..
What do you think your friends think of you? *asks someone three words to describe me* Comforting, Goofy, Cheerful
Have you ever been in love? Gosh yes
If you have, with who? Not mentioning that here either
Are you single? Yesh
Are you in a relationship? No
If so, for how long? :Do you believe there is someone for everyone? Anyone who wants someone, there's a person out there for them
What is your idea of the best date? Anything can be a best date. Surprises always work in someone's advantage, around me, at least.
What was your first kiss like? Memorable... Not the "best", though
How old were you when you got your first kiss? 14-15?
Do you think love is a load of shit? Somedays, yeah
Whats the best experience you've ever had with the opposite sex? Errrr...
Have you ever been dumped? Yep
Have you ever dumped someone? Yep
Whats the most sexual thing youve done with the opposite sex? Er, sex?


Slippers - Warm
Hat - Head
Hard - Rock
Free - Stuff!
Space - Gigantic
Taste - Sweet
Good charlotte - Band
Red - Colour
Deep - *no comment* ..Ocean!
Heart - Love
Cord - Rope
Cheese - Camembert
Rain - Wet
Work - Tiring
Pedal - Bicycle
Head - Face
Bed - Sleep
Fluff - Bunny
Hardcore - Loud
Race - Speed
Knife - Ouch
Jump - Fly!


am - Robyn
want - A long hug or cuddle or something of the sort
need - Tons of water
crave - Swimming pool
love - My dogs
hate - Having to get up early tomorrow
did - This, thing
feel - Too warm
miss - *sigh* Certain people in my YIM list who rarely seem to log on..
am annoyed by - The hot weather
would rather - Be in a swimming pool
am tired of - Lotsa things
will always- Be a goof


What is your favourite genre of music? I don't have a fav one
What time is it now? 2:59 AM
What day is it? Thursday
Whens the last time you called someone? 4 hours ago, Scott
How much money do you have right now? In my wallet? 70$ something
Are you hungry? No
Whatcha doin? Doing this AGES long meme
Do you like parades? Big ones are nice
Do you like the moon? Sure
What are you going to do when youre done with this? I have no clue
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over? o.o ..Sure
If you could have any magical power what would it be? Being able to control water! And and.. and.. fly.. *sigh*
Have you ever had a picnic? Yesh
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young? Errr.. no? o.O
What about sock em boppers? No?
Are you wearing any socks right now? Gosh no, too warm for socks.. I rarely wear socks


funny? Yes
pretty? Errrrr... I don't think so. There are muuuuuch "prettier" girls out there
sarcastic? I can be
lazy? Mmhmm
hyper? From time to time
friendly? Yep
evil? Sometimes
smart? Yes
strong? Errrr, maybe
talented? Yes
dorky? Always


suicide - against
love - for
drunk drivers - against
airplanes - for
war - against
canada - for
united states - for
rock music - for
gay marriage - for
school - for
surveys - for
parents - for
cars - for
killing - against
britney spears - errr, for? She's alright
coffee - for
pants - for


Sky dive? ..I'm afraid of heights
Play strip poker? Errrr...
Run away? If I could, sometimes
Curse at a teacher? I have
Not take a shower for a week? God no
Ask someone out? I have
Lie to someone to make them think better of you? I probably have
Visit a foreign country for more than a month? If I could
Go scuba diving? I'd love to
Write a book? Sure
Become a rockstar? Not a "rock" star
Have casual sex? I have


What shampoo do you use? Garnier "Ultra Doux", with henna and stuff. Exciting, huh?
Whens the last time you did something sexual with the opposite sex? Ages and ages ago
What kind of computer do you have? AMD Anthlon something something, I love it
What grade are you in? I finished "grades" years ago
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies? No
Or just make out? That's more my thing, so yesh
How many posters do you have in your room? None?
How many cds do you have? A few big drawers, no clue how many
What time is it now? 3:07 AM

meira var það nú ekki held ég...

At 6:04 e.h., Blogger Drekaflugan said...

Til hamingju Arna Vala!! Þú ert sú eina sem hefur haft þolinmæðina í að fylla þetta út og fyrir það færðu virðingu mína _-=Respect=-_

At 6:08 e.h., Blogger Drekaflugan said...

hehe ok, ég var ekki alveg búinn að lesa allt þegar ég skrifaði seinasta komment...
Hmmm...en samt vel gert, þú komst lengst af öllum, Til hamingju :)


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